Back to the roots

Do you ever look up and wonder how you arrived where you are at currently?

I feel like i just poked my head up and took a look around.

Disoriented. A little dizzy. A quickening in my tummy.

Have i stumbled so far off my path? Or…..or what?

I am a guest artist for Get Messy this month and i noticed all of my work they were showing was from a while ago. 

Colorful. Messy. Holes ripped into paper because the papers stuck together.

Where did that girl go?

The one who made the lake on her desk. The one who ripped holes into the paper because the next day that paper was still soggy.

I had a revelation earlier this year- when I realized, I didn’t create the same way in my WI studio as I do in my SD studio.

My WI studio is in an apartment. 

I love the space I have created; but i also feel like I am creating with my arms bound to my side. 

Careful. Contained. Restrained. Suppressed. 

Rent versus own- but I think i work or create differently depending on where i am.

WI= journal work; small works on paper or small canvas (color easily contained; only small color sprinkles); more sewing

SD= journal work; large work canvas (messy; splatters; colorful lakes) ; still sewing

Either way… more water. More color. More masking tape to fix the holes poked into paper. More hands with paint on them and days of picking at matte medium. (below is previous work from years ago)