Tame yeasts

Are they? Really tame i mean?......

Do you worry about being bitten? Nibbled upon when you least expect it.

Just kidding. They don’t have teeth. Allegedly they are the earliest domesticated organisms.

Makes me giggle just a bit. Domesticated. 

So add warm water. And cover with a towel.

Set aside. Rise up with [feral] bubbles.

Does it rise to touch the towel?!

Only to be punched down…..proofed, if you will; to make better bread.

If you are still reading you are probably asking yourself is she making bread or mildly crazy?  Will this conversation turn to art at some point……still unsure.

And I may be mildly crazy.

The point is, this piece was one of mine for the latest 5 minute challenge. 

That time crunch can be a stretch sometimes. 

Do you stretch? (Or rise as it would be here now?) 

Sometimes creating is good and has all the feels. But sometimes, there can be a punch. Something unexpected (although with the bread- you are expected to punch down). 

Maybe we, as artists, should also be expecting at some point, a punch down. So we can rise again into the glorious creative [loaf] we are supposed to be.

To be better artists. (lol. Have i lost you yet?.....)

I figure as long as we are learning with any punch down- then sometimes the rise is good; but, sometimes the punch down is good as well. 

So keep creating. 

And to keep with my weird feral (cuz who wants to be domesticated) yeast theme….They are members of the fungus kingdom. FYI. Lol.

Thanks for appeasing me if you read all the way to here.
