Printing with Address Labels
kristin peterson, alteredstatesstudio,
I recently went down a bit of a rabbit hole…..
Is this new? Nope.
Has probably been done a million times.
I love finding something I didn’t know I lost (or forgot about).
And isn’t that always the truth, when you know something and have just mildly forgotten about it; or haven’t done it in a long time, and you see something and think….what if I do this?!
Let me introduce printing on stickers.
And honestly, making copies is not one of my “go-to’s” but printing on stickers may just change that.
And when I say stickers….. I mean more specifically, address labels. Or little price stickers.
Now, you may be saying, “ah, ok kristin…..”
I used some of the vintage cabinet card pictures- like a class picture that I thought was super cute. But honestly, you can use almost anything- even magazine pictures and just print in black and white.
I did have to play with the black and white scale to get a better print and printed on paper to test out first.
Heaven forbid I waste my stickers. Lol.
Oh and for the small price stickers, I printed on paper to know where to place my sticker sheet for printing. I used a small piece of scotch tape at the top of the sticker sheet to hold in place.
Thought I would share how i used my stickers as well in case you want to give this a try. And if you do….make sure to share with me!
Let me show you! (and I will just say it now…. You are welcome.) click the image below to scroll through how i used the stickers.