behind the scenes- an art journal page

I grab a small journal. thumb through…get to the next open page.

my friend Tiffany would say I was crazy- continuously working the “next page.” lol. like what?!….

feel the paper.

look at the page.

what does it want?

some pages only need a small bit. a wash of color.

other pages need a full overhaul….only leaving a slivered edge of the original paper.

sometimes bits are found on the studio floor. outside on the ground and stuffed into a pocket.

at the edges of the workspace.

maybe in the garbage. (I am not afraid to pull something out)

i love an unexpected find. and you know when you see it.

i must keep that.

and sometimes the work honestly does happen quickly; and pieces easily fall into place. 

but other times, the work is laborious.

try this. 

then try that. throw those all in a pile.

grab something else.

cut out a shape. does this work? no

try the negative shape. throw both pieces into that pile as well.

add paint. cover 95% of the paint with paper.

never mind. cover 100%. didn’t like that at all.

grab another bag of collage papers. start a new pile of goodies for something else.

remember what you are actually doing and trying to get done.

dig through the bag again.

cut. glue.


30 minutes later.

and it is so crazy to me……..- I can condense many minutes of filming into 30 seconds. (thank you IG)

Here is an unabridged look at my most recent art journaling page expedition. (i did speed up the video and cut out portions where nothing was happening, except me digging, hunting, pecking for something else).

xo. kristin