Wow. I realize i haven’t been here in a while. I so appreciate your grace. This [blogging] IS something I love. The creative writing. Good pic of something made.

Telling stories. Sharing.

Being able to look back on my art and look at the journey.

I made an artist’s cut version of one of my latest reels just for you.

I think we are all probably familiar with choosing a Word Of The Year.

Something to focus on in the new year. Or a reminder.

Last year I couldn’t land on just one and picked 12. I chose twelve! Sheesh Kristin.

But satisfyingly enough when looking back, I think each word was perfectly suited and was supposed to be there.

I have periodically been thinking about a word for this next year.

Meditating. Considering. Deliberating.

And to be fair, sometimes the words are barely whispers. I have to sit sooo quietly to hear it at all.

The words are barely audible.

This year however, I dare say was the loudest. Like almost incredibly so.

I was sitting in my studio. Dusk near at hand.

The word came rushing in. Filling me up. So positively that I panicked for a moment.

But I was easily assured, as a steady calm wrapped itself around me.

Yes. This was my word.


And I am throwing seeds to the wind.

I think of the cancellations and changes in plans this last fall. That stacked up upon each other, began to corrode away my sense of confidence. Would almost leave me unsure of myself.

And I did a conference in November that was the cherry on top. Expected 50+ and had 15. I know, I know. People leave early, change their minds about which session they signed up for; but…… the amount of work that goes into this….. and I truly believe in the work being done there, but afterwards I knew that was not my place. Sadly. 

All of this leads me to say….. in the introspection after the conference….some ideas just needed to be re-imagined. Shook up. Shuffled.

The circumstances coerced me to rethink.

Consider. ReDream. 

In January, I am doing a “beta class.” My idea would be to make this an annual class with a small group. Close knit discussions. Conversations about the foundations of creating.

I have taken years.

And years. Of classes from fine artists and I believe, put their lessons and the conversations to good use. I have come to believe, that sometimes the conversations are equally as important as doing the work.

So I am doing some testing of this.

A hybrid of sorts. Live. Recorded. plus Homework (for the students).

The students will have to be ready for a deeper dive. So it may not be everyone. And that is ok. The group will be kept small for an explicit reason. To generate a safe, trusted space

And, I don’t know if you know- March is my birthday month. I had done a bunch of work for that November conference.

PDFs, prompts, words….. And during all of this, my brain (bless its heart) kept running in the background until another idea was born out of all of the sample zines I had made for the conference.

I cannot wait to share this with you! Think Zine-Madness……

I am sowing seeds. Sprinkling. 

Thank you again for being here.

Happy holidays to you and your family. I will see you next year. 

Xo. kristin