6-Day Challenge: Gathering

My friend Leaca Young created this free thankful challenge.

6 days. 6 prompts. 6 artists.

  • Day One: Warmth- Laura Dame

  • Day Two: Friends- Sonya Bitz

  • Day Three: Home- Megan Whisner QuinlanLeaca Young

  • Day Four: Gathering- myself

  • Day Five: Home Kristi Nazzaro

  • Day Six: Grateful- Leaca Young

With Thanksgiving this week and family remaining at their social distance, this has been such a nice distraction. I so enjoyed making the pieces above. I used Sculpey so I could bake the pieces and have them ready to paint and put into my journal. If you are interested, there are affiliate links over on my supplies page.

The whole idea of gathering was perfect for me. I love all the bits and pieces and putting them all together. New and old. Made and found.

I created a video to walk you through my gathering.

I didn’t show the making of the accordion journal, but I did film it so if you are interested, I can pull all of that together and post. My video would have been too long to show the making of the journal and the walk through. So let me know.

No matter how your holiday will look, I wish you a blessed holiday.

xo. Kristin